Preparing for Retreat and Conference

One of the things I am most pleased about the Evangelical Catholic Church is our committment to hold a yearly Conference and Retreat. We choose one weekend for the clergy and laity to gather and reflect upon the past year and to focus on the current and future needs of this community.

The 2010 Conference and Retreat for this community marks a moment of signficant new opportunities for us. This year we shall be join by Bishop Joseph Ryan from Ireland. Bishop Ryan has just begun the process of Episcopal Incardination with the Evangelical Catholic Church and it is our hope that shortly after Easter 2011, I will have the opportunity to visit Ireland to complete Bishop Ryan's process of Incardination and to install him as Bishop for the our new Diocese of Ireland.

I am looking forward to seeing how the Holy Spirit guides us through some of the issues and questions that will be in front of us at table: better vetting of potential candidates, newer standards to prevent clerical sexual abuse and returning to some of the historical and traditional expressions of faith. And most importantly - personal and spiritual renewal.

Our community experienced many challenges in the past year and I believe that we all have come out the better because of them.

Please pray that we shall experience the presence of the Holy Spirit this coming weekend.

Sincerely Yours,

+James Alan Wilkowski
Evangelical Catholic Bishop for the Diocese of the Northwest
Chicago, Illinois